Afghanistan: War Without End, Part 1

This is the story of Afghanistan a country are staggering beauty and remarkable people. But it is also story have repeated invasions heroic resistance and compass wars. The tragedy is that the west’s often willful ignorance about Afghanistan’s recent past, has condemned to people to a seemingly endless struggle for survival. It is a story that is come to dominate my life. The margins are the Hindu Kush cover most about Afghanistan, as well as the southern border with Pakistan. This is where the Taliban, came to power and where Al Qaeda had that training camps. From these camps came the hijackers who destroyed the twin towers on September the 11th 2001. In retaliation America bomb the Taliban out of power.

“Institution again and again that exercising control over Afghanistan is easier said than done. The American’s are the last in a long line the farmhouse, who tried to been the travel in Afghans to that will, few have succeeded,” said Sandy Gall.

In The name of God, I would not give one speck of my land for the whole Kremlin, Nor one flower from my land for the whole of Washington.
“They have often been conquered but they have never been subdued and dominated. They do not play by normal rules,” said Nigel Ryan.

“One other thing you learn, if you look at history is that for example strength for some firepower and cannot control necessarily a country particularly when you have country with mountaineers difficult terrain and very determined and proud independent people,” said Sir Nicholas Barrington.
“I first visited Afghanistan in 1982, two-and-a-half years after the same its invasion. When President Brezhnev sent in the red army to prop up the new an unpopular communist government in Kabul,” said Sandy Gall.

Soon after the invasion all western journalists were bomb and the only way to report the war was to travel with the majority in resistance. This meant crossing the border illegally and walking across the mountains. Few television networks were prepared to spend the time and money, so coverage for the wall was sparse which meant the Russian atrocities went largely unreported.
“We got together documentary team, and we literally disappeared into Afghanistan for compliment and simply to tell well the story, because something was going wrong with the Weldon Brandon Walt,” said Sir Nicholas Barrington.

My camera team, the producer Nigel Ryan and I went in with an arms convoy 14 rivers and often traveling at night to avoid Russian helicopters. It took just 12 days to walk the two hundred miles to the pension valley, northeast of Kabul. The stronghold have a younger leader Armored Sharma. We arrived to find the Russians bombing the valley and just about to launch a ground attack. Despite the destruction of their villages, and a steady flow casualty’s monsoons majority in and the civilian population were determined to keep fighting.

“I was fascinated to know who was going to win this war, could the majority and possibly withstand the might and the Red Army. But I was also attracted by the beauty of the country, and the resilience and courage in the people and since then Afghanistan has come to dominate my life and also life for my family,” said Sandy Gall.

Afghanistan is a victim others geography as well as of its history.
“I suppose Afghanistan in some ways like a sauna Switzerland Asia; it is a small mountainous country in the middle of Asia. But where is in Switzerland in Europe the battles when round just and in Afghanistan the battles when had to go through, because Afghanistan stood astride the main route into India,” said Sir Nicholas Barrington.

“Afghanistan has been a high way for conquerors at the same time across Route of civilizations and religions and two and aroundabout of treat groups,” Doctor. Zahir Tanin.
The country’s strategic position on the ancient Silk Route which links the trade with China Rome and India meant that it was repeatedly fought over despite its rugged terrain.
“The different ethnic group in Afghanistan I really a product of history of these armies. Traveling through several of them for example whose backs an orphan as our as in the central are the remnants of different invading armies,” said Doctor. Zahir Tanin.

This ethnic diversity has led two centuries tribal conflict, but it is the past 26 years a revolution occupation and civil war which have made Afghanistan one of the poorest countries in the world.
“Despite all the invasions and the tribal wars the one thing that does unite the Afghan is that violent hatred of foreign domination. More than two thousand years ago Alexander the Great, The King of Macedon was one of the first to try and concrete,” said Sandy Gall.

He swept right over into Turkey for strolling through Persia and then chased the last of the profession and press up into northern Afghanistan on Afghanistan,” said Sir Nicholas Barrington.
“Afghanistan at that time, have no central power and it looked and as an easy passage for hand. But when he started his just right and it took him four years, to get rid of problems in Afghanistan,” said Doctor. Zahir Tanin.

By the time he was 30, Alexander had conquered most of the known world, including the war like tribes at what is now Afghanistan who are a constant thorn in his side. He died on his way home, still only 32.
“While Alexander the great, empower did not survive his death by much. His cultural legacy lived on for a long time,” said Sandy Gall.

“In the northern parts in the villages in the remote parts of northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, People still remember Alexander the Great, He is still unnamed country with after all those centuries and years,” said Sir Nicholas Barrington.
“Not only did he win battles but he brought with him in his baggage train Greek civilization,” said Sandy Gall.

One of the results was the art of Gondar, a blend of Greek and Indian culture which a merge several centuries later and led to the first representation of the Buddha in human form. The humanization of the Buddha’s reached its climax most dramatically in the two colossal statues carved in the mountains I did Batman in the fourth and fifth centuries AD. Very attracted pilgrims from all over Asia who in turn spread the Buddhist message far and wide.

“Two hundred years later, as Islam spread across Afghanistan the buddies has remained untouched. Even when Jane gets com the Mongol conquerors and his army the atom bomb at that day arrived in 12:21. The Buddha’s gaze downs impassively as his troops sacred every living creature in the valley. The whole he marched on to the west and found the conquest, he had formed a very effective army of cavalry man, well-organized tough, on small horses and they swept across the rest of Asia, swept into Central Asia this went down into Iran it swept across Afghanistan they expect right over into Russia under biggest Khan’s sons and grandsons.

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